The renowned Taiwanese puppetry company, "Puppet & Its Double Theater," is embarking on a groundbreaking nationwide tour across the Unit...
The 66th Grammy Awards was held in Los Angeles, California, on February 4, 2024, and once again spotlighted Taiwanese design prowess. Following two co...
U-Theatre, a unique group in Taiwan known for its combination of theatre arts, gurdjieff Movements and percussion, is joining Festival Internacional S...
The 65th GRAMMY Awards, recognized as the most outstanding achievement in the music industry of the United States, took place in Los Angeles on Februa...
Twincussion, a Taiwanese percussion duo, will perform and conduct workshops in Yakima and Wenatchee, Washington State from February 10th to 15th as pa...
Supported by Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture and the Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, Taiwanese vibraphoni...
The Cell, a short dance film produced by B.DANCE’s choreographer Po Cheng Tsai and filmmaker Meng Hsueh Ho, has been selected for the seventh ed...
Supported by Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture and the Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, the “Whispers of Trees” mu...
With the support from Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan will launch its first post-pandemic overseas tour this Oc...
The 2022 Western Arts Alliance (WAA) Annual Conference will take place from August 29th to September 1st in Calgary, Canada, and this year’s eve...
The Aleph Festival of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) focuses on the fusion of arts and science. With its theme “The Frontiers of the E...
The 64th GRAMMY Awards, recognized as the most outstanding achievement in the music industry of the United States, took place in Las Vegas on April 3,...
The 2022 GRAMMYs Awards show, officially known as the 64th GRAMMY Awards, will take place on April 3rd in Las Vegas. Taiwanese designers Qing Yang Xia...
After the pandemic closed many performance venues, many performing art artists turned to explore the possibilities in virtual space, site-specific cre...
The 2021 Western Arts Alliance Annual Conference will take place from August 30th to September 2nd with both virtual and in-person events. With the su...
The last 12 months have forced us to “stop, collaborate and listen” as we work toward anew normal. As the field embraces “green” touring, deeper commu...
Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles partners with Western Arts Alliance (WAA) to present a series of webinars events titled as “The Next Stage” in 2021. Fol...
Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles, partnering with the Taiwan Studies Program at the University of Washington (UW-TSP), will virtually present the product...
With the support from Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, partnering with Sundays ...
Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles partners with Western Arts Alliance (WAA) to present six webinars titled as “...